Electronic Hand Held Deluxe Sports Games Grand Slam Baseball
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Electronic Hand Held Deluxe Sports Games Grand Slam Baseball Overview
Replicating all the action and feel of a live sporting event in a battery-operated handheld console is a tall order. But that hasn't stopped the folks at MGA Entertainment from stepping up to the plate with Grand Slam Baseball, one of several sporty entries in their Deluxe Games line. Powered by two 1.5-volt cell batteries (included), Grand Slam Baseball offers nine innings of play on its 1.75-by-1.13-inch LCD screen, which is imbedded inside a translucent plastic handset. Thumb controls activate the screen icons in either pitching or batting duels against the computer. These directional controls are effectively arranged in a quartet of pie wedges easily within thumb's reach. Never mind the occasional tortured translation on the instruction sheet; ultimately, it's the miniscule, squint-inducing LCD graphics (which tend to appear and disappear depending on how outside light hits the screen) that actually replicates the ballpark experience. But only if you bought a really cheap ticket. --Tony Mason